Joanne Bernard

Break the downward spiral of negativity and build a resilient mindset through coaching founded upon contemporary neuroscience and traditional yogic practices.
Incremental Change
Making gradual, small and simple changes to your daily habits and rituals -- make a huge difference over time, and it's doable. One small step now, incorporate it into your life; then another. That's how change is doable.
Movement : Stillness : Food
We know if we move our bodies, quiet the ongoing chatter in our minds and eat healthy food we are on our way to leading a healthy lifestyle. Is there more? We are all different beings and the path to better mental and physical health is not one-size-fits-all.
Nature : Nurture
How we manage our lives depends on what we were were given to work with at birth plus impactful life events we experienced and coping skills we developed along the way. All this together equals where we are right now in our lives.
And, that's where you begin.
Yoga : Meditation : Ayurveda
Yoga, mediation and ayurveda are ancient and complementary practices that are so very relevant today. All cultivate the ability to be more at peace and ease in your body and mind, personalize your path to better health and improve your relationships with yourself and with others. And many of the practices are so very easy to incorporate into your life.
Here I share some routines, rituals, food and practices that I have incorporated into my lfe that have added enjoyment. I also share some things that I may not practice regularly and invite you to experiment and try for yourself.
Take what is helpful and works for you, and leave the rest.
About Me
I am a 200-hour registered yoga teacher, certified 300-hour meditation teacher and a national board certified wellness coach.
I live in New Hampshire with my granddaughter, two rescue pups and a rescue kitty.